We proceedin 3 steps
Here are the simple steps that will enable you to import the vehicle of your choice directly from New York Usa to your home thanks to Motorimport.
Thanks to our location in New York Usa, we are in the heart of New York Usa and all our partners and dealers are close to our offices, enabling us to search the whole of New York Usa for the vehicle of your choice on the used car market.
Once you have chosen the vehicles you are interested in, we will visit your vehicle directly and carry out a detailed inspection of the overall condition of the vehicle directly in New York Usa by VISIO and deliver the report to you on the spot in New York Usa.
IMPORT in New York Usa
We prepare all the necessary documents for the registration in New York Usa and we deliver the vehicle from New York Usa in New York Usa that you have chosen directly to your home in a short time and according to your availability.
Import to All Europe Express Delivery.
LOTUS car import in New York Usa
To import a vehicle from the USA for your LOTUS car import in New York Usa, you can either take care of everything yourself (search, purchase, USA export and import formalities, homologation, etc.) or use the services of a specialist importer such as motorimport . As American number plates are not authorised in France, you absolutely must obtain a provisional WW registration certificate. This will enable you to carry out the various formalities required before you can register your vehicle.
So, in order to apply for the registration of your American car, you must first clear it through customs. To do this, you must pay taxes and customs duties, which generally amount to 20 % in VAT and around 10 % in customs duties. The amounts will be calculated according to the purchase price of your car. You will obtain the 846 A customs clearance certificate for the LOTUS import car to New York Usa, which is compulsory when applying for a vehicle registration document.
Nowadays, importing a car from the United States is a common transaction, but one that requires a few actions on the part of the future owner. The first step is import customs clearance. Customs duties and VAT must be paid before the vehicle crosses French borders. The VAT rate used is the full rate of 20%. Customs duties correspond to approximately 10% of the value of the vehicle. Importing a car from the United States also requires the owner to present the vehicle to a DREAL (Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement) to prove that it meets French safety standards and regulations. The car must then be registered provisionally before it can be registered permanently. These procedures are carried out at the prefecture.
We can transport your car and search and purchase a car for you in Florida. We'll keep you informed every step of the way*. In other parts of the United States, we hire a specialist for the inspection and/or purchase. Our buying office is in Florida for a personal inspection. Our partner in Paris will homologate your car. For added security, we will send you photos. You will receive a copy of the registration (title or MSO), the carrier's receipt, the transport insurance contract in your name and a "track & trace" code for the container so that you can follow the crossing via the Internet.
Whatever your situation, transporting and importing a car or motorbike from the USA to France can be a tedious operation. West Coast Shipping can take care of everything for you, from the logistics to the adLOTUSstrative procedures.
To repatriate an American car in France, go through an agent. It is possible to do it yourself, but the adLOTUSstractive procedures are very tedious. Not to mention the risks involved in buying your LOTUS car import in New York Usa.
Have you found your ideal car? Beware of manufacturers that are not sold in Europe: you could be in for a surprise when it comes to approval. Not to mention spare parts, which will be difficult to obtain.
When the vehicle arrives at the port in France, it will go through customs for your LOTUS New York Usa import.
The following documents are required:
U.S. registration certificate for your LOTUS New York Usa
Invoice (if any): if applicable, you will be asked for an external Community transit declaration.
You will then have to pay VAT and customs duties. See the relevant section at the bottom of this article for rates.
Finally, the agent will be given a copy of the declaration, a receipt and a n°846A customs clearance certificate. The latter proves that you have paid the fees and taxes. You will need to present it at the prefecture where you are going to register your vehicle.
The United States is something of an automotive Eldorado. The gigantic country is full of second-hand nuggets, while the market is well-stocked and full of big, powerful cars with generous engines, for the most part. As for prices, they are fairly low, all the more reason to snap them up! But it's important to buy with full knowledge of the facts, and to buy carefully! What's more, imports are quite expensive. So be careful before buying through your LOTUS car dealer in New York Usa!
If the car you are importing is not sold in France, you will need to obtain approval for your LOTUS New York Usa import from the DREAL (Directions Régionales de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement), formerly known as the DRIRE (Direction régionale de l'industrie, de la recherche et de l'environnement).
If you live in the Île-de-France region, you must request the RTI report from the DRIEE Île-de-France regional vehicle type-approval centre via your LOTUS a New York Usa agent.
Single vehicle type-approval or RTI is the procedure for private individuals, if the vehicle is imported from the United States. It can be carried out by UTAC CERAM, for example. It costs around €1,500 to have the RTI done by UTAC CERAM, not including payment for the additional parts needed to homologate your LOTUS New York Usa.
You can no longer obtain a vehicle registration certificate (formerly known as a "carte grise") from the Préfecture de Police, but only from the Agence Nationale des Titres Securisés (ANTS) website. The process is only available online for your LOTUS import vehicle New York Usa.
We import the car of your dreams from the United States to France. With our Miami branch, we check, equip and overhaul your future American vehicle before importing it into France.
Here are various American sites for your search for American cars. Once you have found your car, contact us so that you can benefit from our network of forwarding agents at unbeatable rates for your LOTUS import vehicule New York Usa.