Register a car from the USA!

Approval consists of checking whether a foreign vehicle complies with the European standards and regulations in force. The aim is to guarantee the safety of road users.

Motorimport your USA car dealer!

Rising new car prices in the US, coupled with a growing preference for leasing a vehicle for only 2 or 3 years, are fuelling the US used car market, which has doubled in volume in recent years compared to the new car market.

Consequently, finding a nugget made in the USA is an achievable dream; having it brought to one's home at a later date no longer seems inaccessible. A transaction that is becoming more and more common, provided that you call on a professional importer, a company with international know-how, a team and an organisation that are present at each key stage to ensure that the repatriation is in accordance with the law and that it is duly compliant.

This is the most common option chosen by our customers. We can load up to 6 vehicles per container, depending on their size. This type of shipment is also suitable for non-running vehicles. If you are planning to restore a classic car, for example, the classic import by container is the best choice.

In addition, we provide regular transport from our warehouses to the port of Le Havre. This allows us to offer you lower rates for grouped imports.

Registering a car from the USA

Throughout the journey, we do our utmost to ensure that your vehicle travels smoothly. We have all the necessary equipment to ensure that your vehicle is delivered in the best possible condition. For example, we build a custom-made reinforced frame for each vehicle, so that it is securely fastened in the container and does not move during shipment.

We do not use any forklift trucks for loading, to avoid damaging the underbody and the underside of the vehicle. Your vehicle will be delivered to you in the same condition as it was when we collected it.

Once you have received this procès-verbal de réception à titre isolé, it is possible to obtain the final registration of your American vehicle. All the information in the official report is included by the ANTS on your vehicle registration document for Registering a car in the USA. After a few days, you will receive your final registration certificate, and you can drive your American car in France!

Once you have received this procès-verbal de réception à titre isolé, it is possible to obtain the final registration of your American vehicle. All the information in the official report will be included by the ANTS on your vehicle registration document. After a few days, you will receive your final registration certificate and you can drive your American car in France!

Making the temporary WW plates
Pour pouvoir rouler temporairement avec un véhicule importé non immatriculé, il faudra demander l’immatriculation provisoire WW. Ce certificat provisoire valable 4 mois, permet de rouler en France librement dans l’attente de la carte grise définitive.
L’immatriculation provisoire (avec plaque WW) est délivrée uniquement par votre prefecture. Pour ce faire, il faudra fournir à, le certificat de dédouanement, la demande de certificat d’immatriculation , la facture d’achat du véhicule, le certificat d’immatriculation américain, une pièce d’identité et un justificatif de domicile pour Immatriculer une voiture des usa.

Passing the technical inspection to register a car from the USA
If your vehicle is more than 4 years old and the last roadworthiness test is more than 6 months old, you will have to go to a roadworthiness test centre to obtain the roadworthiness report. To do this, you will need to provide the certificate of conformity and the US registration certificate.

Final registration of your American car for Registering a car in the USA
Since November 2017, it is no longer possible to go to the prefecture to register a car. Therefore, you will have to apply for your vehicle registration document through our partner . To do this, you will need to provide with the customs clearance certificate, the application for a registration certificate, the purchase invoice for the vehicle, the American registration certificate, a piece of identification, proof of address, a copy of the driving licence, insurance certificate and the PV of the isolated reception

The following documents are required for registration:

    • The original US vehicle registration document, without any particular mention, or an official vehicle ownership document,
    • If the vehicle registration document has been retained by the administrative authorities of the foreign country, an official document indicating this;
    • Proof of address less than 6 months old;
    • The classic Cerfa form n°15776*01, the transfer certificate;
    • Proof of technical inspection, if the vehicle is more than 4 years old and not exempt. The inspection must be less than 6 months old (when a second inspection has been prescribed, the time allowed for carrying it out must not be exceeded) and must have been carried out in France or in a European Union country. The technical inspection must be less than 6 months old on the day you apply for your vehicle registration document: if the time limit is exceeded, a new inspection must be carried out at your expense;
    • The 846 A clearance certificate issued at customs is also required, unless the application for registration is marked with a waiver by customs;
    • If you are doing the procedure for someone else, a signed mandate and an identity document of the person for whom you are doing the procedure;
    • A technical document of conformity corresponding to the situation of the vehicle:
      •  - Certificate of identification of the vehicle to the Community type, issued by the manufacturer or his representative in France or a regional directorate for the environment and development and housing (DREAL)
      • - Or an RTI (procès-verbal de réception à titre isolé) issued by the DREAL.

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